Business & Future of Work
Cynthia Haddad Abou Khater
Shareholder at Technical International

Shareholder at Technical International
Cynthia Haddad Abou Khater is a shareholder at Technical International, the family-owned business, and is currently the Strategy Manager. She has set the company strategy with the management team and is now working on the strategy execution based on the Balanced Score Card methodology by Dr. Norton & Dr. Kaplan. Cynthia is also working with her family members on having a smooth succession from the G1 to G2 and developing a family & corporate governance. Among the major projects she lead was changing the company logo and creating a corporate identity for the company, in addition to improving the company quality & safety management systems and work processes.
Prior to joining the family business, Cynthia worked as a Marketing Manager at Joseph Chacra & Sons, Warner Bros & New Line distributors in the GCC, where she planned and implemented campaigns including marketing, advertising, promotion and publicity for theatrical and DVD releases. She was President of the Lebanese League for Woman in Business (LLWB) elected from September 2020 to January 2021. She has a BA in Advertising and Marketing from NDU, and an executive MBA from INSEAD. Cynthia is married with 3 kids, loves to dance and to travel around the world.