Business & Future of Work

Wael Alsaad

Spiritual Economist and Entrepreneur

Spiritual Economist and Entrepreneur


Wael Alsaad is a spiritual economist and entrepreneur born in 1972 in Jenin, West Bank of occupied “Palestine”. He holds a degree in Dipl-Ing. Electrical Engineering from the University of Karlsruhe, Germany (today KIT). After his graduation he has worked for 8 years in international companies within the mobile communication sectors in Project Management and Engineering before moving back to Palestine in the end of 2009 to work in the family business, until he returned back to Germany in early 2020.

In earlier times as a non-partisan veteran activist in Germany, he tried to realize his pioneering platform concept “Networking_Palestine” as an open collaboration space for Palestinians many years before the social media wave started. But the concept was ahead of its time and did not gain the needed support to be realised. Like many Palestinians living in the West, he was projecting good practices into a visionary homeland under occupation. He was inspired by post-industrial concepts like Permaculture, Ecovillages, and Self-organization, which motivated him to return to promote them in the Palestinian Territories. But the political environment and governing mindset made it impossible for him to engage with these progressive concepts.

As a person, he can be described as a Self-researcher, autodidactic philosopher, and learner with an open heart, which shaped him into becoming a spiritual economist holding compassion for the world and planet. As a Palestinian confronting world issues based on the narrative of separation and the role of power, he was moved to search for a solution, which turned his life into an infinite spiritual journey. He recognizes being a Self-conscious human as the highest profession or the art of living, that unites humanity into a collective people-earth agency which will transform reality to a New Age Renaissance /Paradigm. The focus of his current research is on how to achieve that unity together with other fellows and groups.

After almost two decades of determination and research, he managed recently to initiate ALBAYDAR startup project. It aims to create a marketplace and a transparent cross-borders engagement platform that connects natives from developing countries living in the West to engage with other agents in developing their homelands' regenerative grassroots local economy. The Diaspora will play a major organized role to consume and market their native products in the West besides other platform users in an interactive self-organized collaborative space.

The goal now is approving the concept and to build the solution technology with a focus on Palestine in the open-source. Then it can be scaled on other developing countries to build shared market spaces.